Integrating SQLite UDF (user-defined-functions) with webpy database layer
A user asked at the mailing list and I thought of putting it here for future use and reference.
You can add python functions to sqlite and have them called within your queries.
>>> import sqlite3 as db >>> conn = db.connect(":memory:") >>> conn.create_function("sign", 1, lambda val: val and (val > 0 and 1 or -1)) >>> cur = conn.cursor() >>> cur.execute("select 1, -1") <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0xb759f2c0> >>> print cur.fetchall() [(1, -1)] >>> cur.execute("select sign(1), sign(-1), sign(0), sign(-99), sign(99)") <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0xb759f2c0> >>> print cur.fetchall() [(1, -1, 0, -1, 1)] >>> conn.close()
In webpy, you can get a reference to the connection object via the cursor i.e. db._db_cursor().connection
>>> import web >>> db = web.database(dbn="sqlite", db=":memory:") >>> db._db_cursor().connection.create_function("sign", 1, lambda val: val and (val > 0 and 1 or -1)) >>> print db.query("select sign(1), sign(-1), sign(0), sign(-99), sign(99)").list() [<Storage {'sign(1)': 1, 'sign(-1)': -1, 'sign(99)': 1, 'sign(-99)': -1, 'sign(0)': 0}>]