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How to use sessions in web.py.


NOTE: sessions doesn’t work in debug mode because it interferes with reloading. See session_with_reloader for more details.

The web.session module provides session support. Here is a simple application to count using sessions.

import web

web.config.debug = False

urls = (
    "/count", "count",
    "/reset", "reset",

app = web.application(urls, locals())

# Store session data in folder 'sessions' under the same directory as your app.
session = web.session.Session(app, web.session.DiskStore("sessions"), initializer={"count": 0})

class count:
    def GET(self):
        session.count += 1
        return str(session.count)

class reset:
    def GET(self):
        return "Reset"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Save above code in file app.py, start the application:

python app.py 8000

Test it with curl on another console:

curl -c cookie.txt  # Store cookie in file 'cookie.txt'. It returns `1`.
curl -b cookie.txt  # Use existing cookie. It returns `2`.
curl -b cookie.txt  # Use existing cookie. It returns `3`.
curl -b cookie.txt  # Use existing cookie. It returns `Reset`.
                                           # Count is set back to the initial value `0`.

The session object is loaded with the session data before handling the request and saves the session data after handling the request, if modified. Note in the current (11-22-2008) version of web.py, one must turn off debug to use the development server with sessions.

The optional initializer argument to Session specifies the initial session.

You can use DBStore instead of DiskStore if you prefer to store sessions in database instead of disk. For using DBStore you need to have a table with the following schema.

create table sessions (
    session_id char(128) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    atime timestamp NOT NULL default current_timestamp,
    data text

And you need to pass db object and session table name to the constructor of DBStore.

db = web.database(dbn='postgres', db='mydatabase', user='myname', pw='')
store = web.session.DBStore(db, 'sessions')
session = web.session.Session(app, store, initializer={'count': 0})

Options related to sessions can be modified using the sessions_parameters dict in web.config. The default values are shown below.

web.config.session_parameters['cookie_name'] = 'webpy_session_id'
web.config.session_parameters['cookie_domain'] = None
web.config.session_parameters['cookie_path'] = None
web.config.session_parameters['timeout'] = 86400  # in seconds
web.config.session_parameters['ignore_expiry'] = True
web.config.session_parameters['ignore_change_ip'] = True
web.config.session_parameters['secret_key'] = 'fLjUfxqXtfNoIldA0A0J'
web.config.session_parameters['expired_message'] = 'Session expired'
  • cookie_name - name of the cookie used to store the session id
  • cookie_domain - domain for the cookie used to store the session id
  • cookie_path - path of the cookie. Defaults to None. You can set it to something like /, /yourapp.
  • timeout - number of second of inactivity that is allowed before the session expires
  • ignore_expiry - if True, the session timeout is ignored
  • ignore_change_ip - if False, the session is only valid when it is accessed from the same ip address that created the session
  • secret_key - salt used in session id hash generation
  • expired_message - message displayed when the session expires