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Sending mail


How to send mails from web.py


web.sendmail function can be used to send mail from web.py.

web.sendmail('cookbook@webpy.org', 'user@example.com', 'subject', 'message')

If any mail server is specified in web.config it uses that to send the mail or it uses the traditional sendmail from /usr/lib/sendmail.

web.config.smtp_server = 'mail.mydomain.com'

To send a mail to multiple recipients, a list can be passed for to_address.

web.sendmail('cookbook@webpy.org', ['user1@example.com', 'user2@example.com'], 'subject', 'message')

Optinal cc and bcc keyword arguments can be passed to web.sendmail to add Cc and Bcc recipients. Values of cc and bcc can be list as well.

web.sendmail('cookbook@webpy.org', 'user@example.com', 'subject', 'message', cc='user1@example.com', bcc='user2@example.com')

Addition headers can be passed to web.sendmail via headers tuple.

web.sendmail('cookbook@webpy.org', 'user@example.com', 'subject', 'message',
        cc='user1@example.com', bcc='user2@example.com',
        headers=({'User-Agent': 'webpy.sendmail', 'X-Mailer': 'webpy.sendmail',})