home > Webpy + LightTTPD with FastCGi

Webpy + LightTTPD with FastCGi

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If you have problems with this recipe read this thread

The following applies on lighttpd version 1.4.18


  • You may replace code.py with your own file name.
  • /path-to/webpy-app found below refers to the path to the directory contains your code.py
  • /path-to/webpy-app/code.py is the full path to your python file

If you are not certain what version you are running simply type: lighttpd -v at your console.

Note: Earlier version of lighttpd may organize the .conf files differently. Yet, the same principles applied on them as well.

lighttpd Configuration under Debian GNU/Linux

Files and Directories in /etc/lighttpd:

         main configuration file

        This directory contains a series of .conf files. These files contain
        configuration directives necessary to load and run webserver modules.
        If you want to create your own files they names should be
        build as nn-name.conf where "nn" is two digit number (number
        is used to find order for loading files)

        To actually enable a module for lighttpd, it is necessary to create a
        symlink in this directory to the .conf file in conf-available/.

Enabling and disabling modules could be done by provided
/usr/sbin/lighty-enable-mod and /usr/sbin/lighty-disable-mod scripts.

For web py you should enable mod_fastcgi and mod_rewrite, thus run: /usr/sbin/lighty-enable-mod and supply fastcgi (mod_rewrite will be enabled within 10-fastcgi.conf file as you will see in a moment).

##Below are instructions for the following files:

  • /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
  • /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-fastcgi.conf
  • code.py


server.modules              = (
server.document-root       = "/path-to/webpy-app"

In my case I used postgresql and therefore runs lighttpd as postgres in order to grant permissions to the database, therefore I added the line:

server.username = "postgres"


server.modules   += ( "mod_fastcgi" )
server.modules   += ( "mod_rewrite" )

 fastcgi.server = ( "/code.py" =>
 (( "socket" => "/tmp/fastcgi.socket",
    "bin-path" => "/path-to/webpy-app/code.py",
    "max-procs" => 1,
   "bin-environment" => (
     "REAL_SCRIPT_NAME" => ""
   "check-local" => "disable"

 url.rewrite-once = (
   "^/favicon.ico$" => "/static/favicon.ico",
   "^/static/(.*)$" => "/static/$1",
   "^/(.*)$" => "/code.py/$1",

###/code.py At the top of the file add:

#!/usr/bin/env python

and don’t forget to make it executable (otherwise you will get a “permission denied” error):

$ chmod 755 /path-to/webpy-app/code.py