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Get the latest stable version

The easiest way to install web.py is using easy_install:

$ easy_install web.py

If you don’t have easy_install, try downloading the source package from pypi, then install manually. We use version 0.61 for example here:

$ tar xvzf web.py-0.61.tar.gz
$ cd web.py-0.61
$ sudo python setup.py install

If you don’t want to install web.py system-wide, or if you want to bundle web.py with your application, you can simply copy web.py-0.61/web/ to your application directory.

If you are on Ubuntu Linux or Debian, you can install web.py with apt-get, but you may not get the latest web.py as Debian/Ubuntu release cycles are different from web.py.

$ sudo apt-get install python-webpy

If you’re running Fedora, RHEL or CentOS (and using the EPEL repository), you can install web.py using yum:

$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install python-webpy

Get the latest development version

$ git clone git://github.com/webpy/webpy.git