Basic authentication
##Problem This is a proof of concept implementation of doing basic authentication with You may want to read RFC 2617 or for reference.
##Solution Create a python file containing the code below and start the script. When you enter the url http://localhost:8080/ you will be redirected to the url http://localhost:8080/login. When you are successfully authenticated, you will be redirected to the index page.
import web
import re
import base64
urls = (
app = web.application(urls,globals())
allowed = (
class Index:
def GET(self):
if web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION') is not None:
return 'This is the index page'
raise web.seeother('/login')
class Login:
def GET(self):
auth = web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
authreq = False
if auth is None:
authreq = True
auth = re.sub('^Basic ','',auth)
username,password = base64.decodestring(auth).split(':')
if (username,password) in allowed:
raise web.seeother('/')
authreq = True
if authreq:
web.header('WWW-Authenticate','Basic realm="Auth example"')
web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
if __name__=='__main__':
##Notes Do not use this code on real site - this is only for illustration.